Technological Interfaces of the Brazilian Shipbuilding and Offshore Industry


  • Andre Cherubini Alves Graduate Center on Business Administration Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Paulo Antônio Zawislak Graduate Center on Business Administration Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil



Technological Interfaces, Naval and Offshore Industry, Innovation


The recent challenges of the Brazilian naval and offshore industry have generated a unique opportunity for studies on technological innovation and economic development. This paper presents the recent developments and future prospects of this industry under the theoretical framework of ‘technological interfaces’. Technological interfaces are defined as the thread of knowledge and technology necessary for establishing a transaction between two or more agents. It is both a theoretical construct and a tool for better understanding industrial coherence and dynamics. The development project of ship and platform construction in Brazil, unveils a potential dynamic similar to large national projects, such as the U.S. space project in the 50s. By establishing scientific parameters of analysis for the study, it is possible to generate a broader diagnosis of the technological interface matrix of the industry, but mainly it is possible to map the framework of operational gaps and the needs for technical-scientific development.


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Author Biographies

Andre Cherubini Alves, Graduate Center on Business Administration Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

A.C. Alves is a PhD student on Management of Technology and Innovation at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He has a Masters on Technology and Operations Management at the Federal  University  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul and Bachelor  in  Business Administration  also  at  the
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul spending one year at Florida Atlantic University's College of  Business.  He  is  currently  a  lecturer at University  of  the  Sinos  Valley.  His  research  interests include operations management, management of technology and innovation.

Paulo Antônio Zawislak, Graduate Center on Business Administration Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Dr. Zawislak has graduated in Economics (1988) from the Faculty of Economics of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), an LLM (DEA - 1991) and Ph.D. (1994) in Economics from the University of Paris. Associate Professor, Department of Administrative Sciences and School of Management (EA) from UFRGS Graduate Programme in Management (PPGA). CNPq Researcher. Since 2010 coordinates the Center for the Management of Technological Innovation (NITEC) in the same program with projects related to economics and management of technology and innovation in companies, industrial chains and business networks.


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How to Cite

Alves, A. C., & Zawislak, P. A. (2014). Technological Interfaces of the Brazilian Shipbuilding and Offshore Industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(2), 187–198.




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