A Mobile Framework for Competence Evaluation: Innovation Assessment Using Mobile Information Systems


  • Marcos Ruano Mayoral Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Ricardo Colomo Palacios Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Juan Miguel Gómez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Ángel García Crespo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


The environment surrounding organizations is characterized by an increasing necessity of competent personnel but with finite competence level. From the scope of the management of those human resources, one of the most crucial aspects is to be able to measure the competence level of each professional as quickly and precisely as possible. This paper introduces a tool, based on HR-XML standard, to feed competence evaluation with data or evidences that help to fit performance evaluations to the actual performance of the employees. Mobility capabilities in performance evaluation, particularly in the innovation field, involve an inventive contribution to current Competence Management Systems that, due to their lack of flexibility, hinder the full development of the capability to include evidences wherever they may take place, whether it is at work, at client’s office or in a recruitment interview.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Ruano Mayoral, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Computer Science Department

Ricardo Colomo Palacios, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Computer Science Department

Juan Miguel Gómez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Computer Science Department

Ángel García Crespo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Computer Science Department




How to Cite

Ruano Mayoral, M., Colomo Palacios, R., Gómez, J. M., & García Crespo, Ángel. (2007). A Mobile Framework for Competence Evaluation: Innovation Assessment Using Mobile Information Systems. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 2(3), 49–57. Retrieved from https://www.jotmi.org/index.php/GT/article/view/art56



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