Knowledge Integration and Open Innovation in the Brazilian Cosmetics Industry


  • Kleber Luis Celadon University of Brighton



open innovation, knowledge integration, cosmetics, cross-case comparison


This article is based on a thesis that examined open innovation in the Brazilian cosmetics sector and its relationship with knowledge integration, comparing less open and more open firms. The ability to integrate knowledge is related to competitive advantage, and this study sheds light onto OI at each different firm. The main findings show that, different levels of openness in innovation, demand firm-specific mechanism for KI. Also, openness increases complexity in management. The understanding of how firms select their knowledge for appropriation and differentiation is also considered. The Brazilian cosmetics market was chosen because it occupies the 3rd position in the world´s ranking and this industry is under researched. A cross-case comparison is used.


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Author Biography

Kleber Luis Celadon, University of Brighton

CENTRIM (Centre for Research in Innovation Management) - Researcher


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How to Cite

Celadon, K. L. (2014). Knowledge Integration and Open Innovation in the Brazilian Cosmetics Industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(3), 34–50.



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