Incorporating UTAUT Predictors for Understanding Home Care Patients’ and Clinician’s Acceptance of Healthcare Telemedicine Equipment
telemedicine, information technology acceptance, UTAUT, information technology management in health careAbstract
Telemedicine programs within health care are experiencing significant growth as healthcare organizations seek to reduce expenditures and improve efficiency. The high costs of treating chronic diseases, compounded by an aging population, has given focus to creating technology-enabled alternatives to support, enhance, or expand patient services. As investments in telemedicine products and services grow at a rapid pace, user technology acceptance has become a key issue in successful implementation. Drawing from the Unified Theory of Acceptance in Technology (UTAUT), this study investigated the predictors of behavioral intention to use Telehealth equipment by patients, clinicians, and agency personnel at Henry Ford e-Home Health Care. Survey data were provided by 126 participants recruited from an eligible population who were either currently using the Telehealth equipment or were familiar with it. Structural equation modeling was used to study the overall fit of the UTAUT model in predicting behavioral intention. Participant type, self-efficacy, anxiety and attitude were tested as moderators. Implications for increasing adoption of Telehealth technology are discussed.Downloads
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