Strategic Implications of Water Usage: an Analysis in Brazilian Mining Industries


  • Roberto Schoproni Bichueti Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)
  • Clandia Maffini Gomes
  • Isak Kruglianskas Sao Paulo University (USP)
  • Jordana Marques Kneipp
  • Luciana Aparecida Barbieri da Rosa



Sustainability, Water, Management, Mining


This study aims at identifying the practices of water use management and the business performance in industries in the Brazilian mineral sector. To this end, a descriptive and quantitative study was developed, using the survey method, in industries associated with the Brazilian Mining Institute – IBRAM. The water use management practices were identified based in a model addressing the following aspects: water accounting, risk assessment, direct operations, supply chain, and stakeholders engagement. The business performance was measured from a model involving the following dimensions: economic, environmental and social. Among the results, the risks assessment involved and the direct operations practices stand out, in order to reduce the amount of water used and waste discharges. The need for greater engagement of industries with the stakeholders and the supply chain, through a more integrated and collaborative management, was also evident.


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Author Biography

Roberto Schoproni Bichueti, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)

PhD Student in Buniness

Substitute Professor at Departament os Administration Sciences, Federal University of Santa Maria.


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How to Cite

Bichueti, R. S., Gomes, C. M., Kruglianskas, I., Kneipp, J. M., & da Rosa, L. A. B. (2014). Strategic Implications of Water Usage: an Analysis in Brazilian Mining Industries. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(1), 57–69.



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