Reconfiguring the Firm’s Assets for Innovation
Dynamic capabilities, Innovation, Furniture industry.Abstract
The innovation process and the generation of sustainable competitive advantage are permanently on the agenda in technology management. According to Teece (2007), one way to achieve a competitive advantage is to develop dynamic capabilities, a process in which the author identifies three moments: i) to perceive and shape opportunities and threats (sensing), ii) to grasp the opportunities (seizing), iii) to increase, to combine, to secure and, when necessary, to reconfigure the tangible and intangible assets. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the strategic internal changes were introduced to influence on developing the innovation capability in order to sustain and expand the competitive advantages of the firm. To do so, a case study was carried out in a firm that work within the furniture sector more than 30 years and took decision to increase its competitive advantage by investing in product design, what created conditions for the development of new capabilities. Interviews were conducted using questions that allowed the respondents to freely express their experiences and perceptions about the changes that have occurred in their sectors as a result of this process and was possible to identify the intensity of reconfigurations in capabilities that resulted from the creation of the Design Center.
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