Determinantes da Transferência de Tecnologia na Agroindústria Brasileira de Alimentos: Identificação e Caracterização


  • André Yves Cribb Embrapa



Setor agroalimentar, gestão tecnológica, organização de pesquisa.


This article aims to identify and characterize determinants of technology transfer, from the perspective of agro-industrial firms operating in Brazil, and under the light of the core theoretical concepts. By reaching this objective, the article provides a basis for studies and practices relating to technological change in the agrifood sector. Particularly, it may help in defining or reformulating public policies favorable for the generation and application of technologies in the Brazilian food industry.


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Author Biography

André Yves Cribb, Embrapa

Dr. André Yves Cribb was born in Petit-Goâve, a city of Haiti, where he completed most of her studies. He received his B.S. in agronomic engineering (1982), and buckled the four years of graduation studies cycle in Economic Sciences (1983) from the University of State of Haiti. In the period 1982-1992, he worked in the Ministry for Agriculture, in Haiti. For the improvement of his training about development rural, he made a course of specialization in Fruit Arboriculture in Israel in 1987. He received his M.S. in Agricultural Development from Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1994. He finished his D.Sc. in Production Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 1999. His studies were supplemented by a Post-doctorate in Management of Research and Development (R&D), in Montpellier (France) in 1999. Currently, he is researcher in Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), working in socio-economy.


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How to Cite

Cribb, A. Y. (2009). Determinantes da Transferência de Tecnologia na Agroindústria Brasileira de Alimentos: Identificação e Caracterização. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 4(3), 89–100.



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