R&D Personnel Career Routes: An Exploratory Study


  • Barbara Bigliardi University of Parma
  • Alberto Ivo Dormio University of Parma




Career anchors, Career orientations, Food machinery industry, R&D personnel.


This study, aiming at investigate the alternative modes of career development for personnel belonging to R&D staff, addresses the extent to which career anchors are applicable to R&D staff and to examine the relationship among career anchors, gender and age, with the final purpose to add elements of discussion to the long-lasting debate about this matter. With this purpose in mind, we developed a questionnaire survey among 309 R&D personnel employed at firms belonging to the food machinery industry in a Northern Italy district. The results obtained from the statistical analysis indicate that the R&D personnel’s career orientations is a predictor of their career routes preferences, confirming three possible career routes in R&D labs that were highlighted in previous studies.


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Author Biographies

Barbara Bigliardi, University of Parma

Industrial Engineering Department University of Parma

Alberto Ivo Dormio, University of Parma

Industrial Engineering Department University of Parma


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How to Cite

Bigliardi, B., & Dormio, A. I. (2009). R&D Personnel Career Routes: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 4(1), 8–21. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242009000100002



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