A leadership competency model of science and technology parks: the case of Chungbuk Techno Park in Korea


  • Kyoung-Joo Lee Gachon University
  • Eun-Young Kim Pohang Technopark, 601, Jigok-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do




leadership, competency model, boundary spanning, incubator.


Given their significant regional economic benefits, science and technology parks (STPs) have attracted continuous academic attention. To understand the predictors of performance of STPs, this study focuses on the critical impacts of leaders and develops a leadership competency model specialized for public STP leaders. The competency model identifies the qualities and conditions of an effective leader of public STPs, emphasizing management skills, bottom-up approach, and boundary spanning skills. To provide empirical support, this study adopts the case study approach and performs a behavior event interview with one of the most successful leaders of public STPs in Korea.


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Author Biography

Kyoung-Joo Lee, Gachon University

Kyoung-Joo, Lee is an associate professor at Department of Tourism Management at Gachon University, Seongnam-City, Korea. He received his PhD from the Hitotsubashi University in Japan and served as assistant professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). His works have appeared in Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Science and Public Policy, R&D Management, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Event Management, and Journal of International Trade Law and Policy.


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How to Cite

Lee, K.-J., & Kim, E.-Y. (2018). A leadership competency model of science and technology parks: the case of Chungbuk Techno Park in Korea. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 13(4), 105–114. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242018000400105



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