Utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for driverless car technology


  • Sahil Koul Eastern Michigan University
  • Ali Eydgahi Eastern Michigan University




driverless car technology adoption, technology acceptance model, innovation adoption, society, autonomous vehicles.


This paper examines the relationship between perceived usefulness of driverless car technology, perceived ease of use of driverless car technology, years of driving experience, age and the intention to use driverless cars. This research is a cross-sectional descriptive correlational study with the Technology Acceptance Model as its theoretical framework. The primary method of data collection was an online survey. Pearson’s correlation and multiple linear regression were used for data analysis. This study found significant, positive relationships between perceived usefulness of driverless car technology, perceived ease of use of driverless car technology and intention to use driverless cars. Also, there were significant, negative relationships between years of driving experience, age and intention to use driverless cars.


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How to Cite

Koul, S., & Eydgahi, A. (2018). Utilizing Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for driverless car technology. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 13(4), 37–46. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242018000400037



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