Developing and Managing Cross-Functional Teams: A Multi-Case Study of Brazilian Manufacturing Companies


  • Márcio Lopes Pimenta Management and Business College Federal University of Uberlândia.
  • Andrea Lago da Silva Andrea Lago da Silva Department of Industrial Engineering Federal University of São Carlos.
  • Wendy Lea Tate Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management University of Tennessee.



Cross-functional teams, Demand and Supply, Cross-functional integration, Impacts of integration, Brazilian firms


The growth of industries and the strong economic base in Brazil require improvements and adaptations in business processes. Cross-functional teams (CFT) may help to companies achieve these improvements. This research looks at characterizing CFT according to application processes, structures, objectives and impacts, considering the context of demand planning and related processes. In-depth interviews with 22 managers were performed in three Brazilian manufacturing companies. A framework to characterize CFT and respective impacts is proposed, including elements such as: procedures, context and goals, power distribution, impacts on cross-functional integration, impacts on teams' performance and on organization's performance. One significant managerial finding is that effective and efficient CFTs need balanced distribution of power among members by effectively establishing and structuring the team. By doing this, managers may observe positive impacts on inter-functional integration and in firm's results. Moreover, teams should permanently perform joint planning to predict unfavorable situations, improve communication and mutual understanding.


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How to Cite

Pimenta, M. L., da Silva, A. L., & Tate, W. L. (2014). Developing and Managing Cross-Functional Teams: A Multi-Case Study of Brazilian Manufacturing Companies. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(2), 1–16.



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