Contributions of Social Networking for Innovation


  • Daniela Maria Cartoni METROCAMP College – Grupo Ibmec Educacional and CTI (Center for Information Technology Renato Archer -MCTI)
  • Nanci Gardim DTSD-G.A.I.A./ Support Group for Innovation and Learning in Organizations, CTI-MCTI/Center for Information Technology Renato Archer.
  • Sérgio Caballero DTSD-G.A.I.A./ Support Group for Innovation and Learning in Organizations, CTI-MCTI/Center for Information Technology Renato Archer.
  • Marco Antonio Silveira DTSD-G.A.I.A./ Support Group for Innovation and Learning in Organizations, CTI-MCTI/Center for Information Technology Renato Archer.



Social Networks, Innovation Management, Knowledge Dissemination, Management Technology, Knowledge Management.


This paper investigates the role of virtual social networks as a mechanism complementary to formal channels of technology transfer represented by ICT and by private centers of R & D in industry. The strengthening of Web 2.0 has provided the expansion of collaborative tools, in particular the social networks, with a strong influence on the spread of knowledge and innovation. To evaluate the potential of virtual networks, a survey had been conducted to identify and describe the characteristics of some of the major social networks used in Brazil (LinkedIn, Orkut and Twitter). Even this phenomenon is not mature, the study identified the potential and benefits of social networks as informal structures that help in generation of knowledge and innovation diffusion, as a field to be explored and developed.


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Author Biography

Daniela Maria Cartoni, METROCAMP College – Grupo Ibmec Educacional and CTI (Center for Information Technology Renato Archer -MCTI)

Department of Graduate Studies (at Metrocamp College) / G.A.I.A./ Support Group for Innovation and Learning in Organizations (at CTI (Center for Information Technology Renato Archer)


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How to Cite

Cartoni, D. M., Gardim, N., Caballero, S., & Silveira, M. A. (2013). Contributions of Social Networking for Innovation. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8, 184–195.

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