Internationalization Process and Technological Capability Trajectory of Iguaçu


  • Rafael Kuramoto Gonzalez
  • Sieglinde Kindl da Cunha



internationalization, technological capability, soluble coffee, technological trajectory, emerging companies, innovation, internationalization path


This article focuses on the influence of the internationalization process in the evolution of technological capability. This implication was studied in Iguaçu between 1967 and 2009. To achieve the proposed goal it was used the Internationalization of Brazilian Export Producer Companies Model, built by Kraus (2006) and the Model of Technological Capabilities in Companies of Emerging Economies, built by Figueiredo (2004). The study found that different stages of internationalization require different functions and different levels of technology. The discussion proposed by this paper found a close association between the process of internationalization and the development of technological capability in the company studied. It can be concluded that for companies of Soluble Coffee to conquer, reach and remain competitive in international markets it should engage efforts to build diverse organizational skills, alliances and technological capabilities.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, R. K., & Cunha, S. K. da. (2012). Internationalization Process and Technological Capability Trajectory of Iguaçu. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 7(2), 117–130.



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