Knowledge Management: An Analysis from the Organizational Development


  • Rodrigo Valio Dominguez Gonzalez School of Applied Science - University of Campinas
  • Manoel Fernando Martins Departament of Production Engineering - Federal University of São Carlos



Knowledge Management, Human Resources, Teamwork, Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure.


This research develops a theoretical framework on the implications of the organizational characteristics on the knowledge management (KM). The organizational characteristics are handled in this work as constructs, as they are complex concepts. This paper is based on a theoretical research, considering original and classic articles on KM. From a broad theoretical-conceptual research, the paper presents as a result five organizational constructs that support the KM process: human resources, team work, organizational culture, organizational structure and development and absorption of knowledge. The article presents the implications of these constructs in relation to the four phases of the KM process (acquisition, storage, distribution and use of knowledge).


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, R. V. D., & Martins, M. F. (2014). Knowledge Management: An Analysis from the Organizational Development. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 9(1), 131–147.




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