Factores Asociados con el Abandono de Actividades de Innovación en un País en Desarrollo: La Influencia del Nivel de Cooperación Tecnológica Regional


  • Juan Fernández FLACSO Ecuador
  • Victoria Santamaría Latinamerican Faculty of Social Sciences




abandonment of innovation activities, developing country, regional innovation systems


Using data from the Ecuadorean Innovation Survey of 2015, this paper examines the factors associated with the abandonment of innovation activities of firms in a developing country. Additionally, it is analyzed whether the influence of these factors differs depending on the level of technological cooperation existing in the regions in which the firms operate. The results indicate that the probability of abandonment is greater in firms that invest in complex innovation activities, in those that cooperate simultaneously with other firms and research institutions and in those with greater export intensity. In addition, it is observed that medium-sized firms are those that show a lower probability of abandonment. Finally, the results indicate that the influence of these factors differs considerably depending on the level of regional technological cooperation.


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How to Cite

Fernández, J., & Santamaría, V. (2020). Factores Asociados con el Abandono de Actividades de Innovación en un País en Desarrollo: La Influencia del Nivel de Cooperación Tecnológica Regional. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 15(1), 76–87. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-27242020000100076



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