Organizational Capability Deployment Analysis for Technology Conversion into Processes, Products and Services


  • Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka Gusberti UFRGS' Science and Technology Park and Technology Development Office - SEDETEC Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cláudia Viviane Viegas Department of Engineering and Knowledge Management. Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Márcia Elisa Soares Echeveste Department of Statistics Industrial Engineering Post-Graduation Program Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Organizational Capability, Capability Based View, Business Model Engineering, Technology based companies


This article discusses Organizational Capabilities as the basic components of business models that emerged under the New Product Development Process and Technological Management. In the context of the new Technology Based Companies Development, it adopts a qualitative research in order to identify, analyze and underpin the organizational capability deployment in a process of technology conversion into product and service. The analysis was carried out considering concepts from literature review, in a technology based enterprise started by an academic spin-off company. The analysis enabled the elicitation of a Business Model and the discussion of their components, and correspondent evolution hypothesis. The paper provides an example of capability deployment accordingly the established theory illustrated by a case study. The study not just enumerate the needed partners, resources, customer channels, it enabled the description of their connection, representing the logic behind the decision made to develop the conceptual model. This detailed representation of the model allows better addressed discussions.


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Author Biographies

Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka Gusberti, UFRGS' Science and Technology Park and Technology Development Office - SEDETEC Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Post-Doctorate Researcher at Technology Development Office (SEDETEC) of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and UFRGS' Science and Technology Park. Bachelor's at Pharmacy (2002), bachelor's at Industrial Pharmacy from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2005), master's (2006) and doctorate at Production Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2011). Has experience in Production Engineering, focusing Quality Assurance and Management, acting on the following subjects: small and medium enterprises, technology development management, product development management process, performance measurement system, multicriterial decision, and improvements in product development process. Referee of the following journals: "International Journal of Innovation Management", 'Revista Ingeniería Industrial: Actualidad y Nuevas Tendencias', 'Produção', 'Produto & Produção' and 'Gestão & Produção'.

Cláudia Viviane Viegas, Department of Engineering and Knowledge Management. Federal University of Santa Catarina

Engineering and Knowledge Management Doctor by Federal University of Santa Catarina, Master Management (Environmental Management) by Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), Communication Bachelor (Journalism) by University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil. Post doct researcher at Federal University of Santa Catarina. Professional journalist registered by number 7322 of Labor Ministery (Brazil). Geography student (on going graduation). Specialised journalist in Environmental Issues by Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung (InWent) em Berlin/Germany. Member of the National Health Impact Assessment Network of the Health Ministery (Brazil) and invited member of the Latin-American Cleaner Production Roundtable sponsored by Journal of Cleaner Production. Research issues: Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainability Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment, Strategic Impact Assessment, in collaboration with reserarchers from University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.


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How to Cite

Gusberti, T. D. H., Viegas, C. V., & Echeveste, M. E. S. (2013). Organizational Capability Deployment Analysis for Technology Conversion into Processes, Products and Services. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 8(4), 129–142. Retrieved from



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